Tag Archives: elliott smith

5 songs for when it’s so early it’s still late

It’s 3am. It’s dark. Most people are either just coming home from their nights out, or tucked up and sleeping like sensible bunnies. But you, being an emimently unsensible bunny, are just getting up. What sweet musical flavours will fill your ears?

Maybe you’re getting up for an event for work. (Why do they always need you to be there about four years before it starts?) Maybe you have a novel to work on. Maybe you’re going on holiday! Which is unquestionably awesome! But the only flight you could afford requires you to get yourself to the airport during the hours of darkness. This time of day/night is usually called ‘late’, except that if you’ve already slept tried to sleep, it’s called ‘early’. Clearly, your music must be chosen carefully.

You need something that’s not going to angrify you. Something that will be suitable for one who is stumbling, eyes 70% closed, from the caverns of sleep. Something that will damp down your natural inclination to murder anyone who utters a word or two in your direction.. And yet, something that will empower you for the day ahead.

rowr!this is what you’re aiming for.

Fear not! A Different Daylight is at hand with some musical advice which you will disagree with yet be too 3am-tired to say so! Continue reading


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